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The Team

Fall 2011 (phase two) - The second group of students to work on this site are also taking Web Page Design and Development 2 with Mr. Eason at Stratford High School. All eight students who have participated in this project have also become Adobe Certified Associates in Dreamweaver.

fall 2011 phase two students
John, Cameron, Nicholette, and Charlotte

Nicholette Alonge ('12) - When I signed up for Web Page 2, I did not know we would be doing this project, but I am certainly glad we did. I have learned much about the Old Berkeley School. I thought the history about the dormitories was very interesting. When we went to interview the McCants, he told us about his mom driving to the school in a buggy! I learned much about Moncks Corner and will not forget it. Working with the team on SketchUp was difficult at times, but Mr. Eason helped us and the buildings turned out to be a success. I hope others will learn from this website as I have.

Cameron Bunn ('12) - Creating 3D models of real buildings is really interesting. We interviewed Mr. McCants, grandson of the first public school teacher in Moncks Corner. We learned a ton of history about not only the Guilds House, but also the history and changes that Moncks Corner has been through. I really enjoyed being a part of this project, and I think it will help me on other projects in the future.

Charlotte Cunningham ('12) - Working on this project has been both a great privilege and a great challenge. I am glad to have been given the chance to help document some of the history of Moncks Corner, though it has not been an easy task. I faced multiple challenges in the construction of the Old Court House, mostly due to my “arguments” with Google Sketch-Up. However, all came together in the end and I, overall, enjoyed having the chance to experiment and build something like this with the program.

John Wierman ('12) - I have had a great time working on the Moncks Corner project. Learning Google SketchUp was a blast and visiting the Cherry Hill classroom gave me a good experience of learning the history of Moncks Corner. Interviewing and seeing Edward McCants taught me a lot about plantation life. I had a great time working on this and I hope future teams will have the same amount of fun.

Spring 2011 (the original team) - As the first group to work on this project, we feel honored to have had a small part in the documentation of the history of Moncks Corner. We hope future students will carry on this project, completing more 3D buildings and adding recorded interviews with Moncks Corner residents.

spring 2011 original student team
Konner, Araceli, Nick, and Dylan

Nick Baxter ('12) - I really enjoyed working on this project. I had a lot of fun working with Google SketchUp. I liked working with the team and creating the website from scratch. Creating the website was very challenging at times, but it was fun in the end.

Dylan Campbell ('11) - I have really enjoyed working on this project with my teammates. Most of my work was done in Google SketchUp, along with supplying some of the pictures and other background information. The semester we did this project, I had three classes with Mr. Eason, and I spent alot of time learning SketchUp and creating the 3D image of The Depot. Mr. Eason is an awesome teacher. He gave all of us a wealth of knowledge and information.

Araceli Cruz ('11) - I really liked working on this project. Most of my I work was on the layout of the website. Nick helped a ton on the creative aspect because I lack artistic skills. The whole team really worked hard, but we didn't get as much done as we had planned. It was a lot of effort and work, but we are pleased with the start we have made. I look forward to seeing how future students expand on our work.

I had so much fun with the project and the team. During the creation of the project there were stressful times, but then there were also times where we couldn’t stop laughing. I truly enjoyed working on this project and I was honored to be on the team. We also had a ton of help from our mentor and teacher Mr. Eason; he worked with us and helped us to create a better site. Although there were mishaps, we learned from our mistakes. I wish we would have had more time to work on this project. I really enjoyed it and I envy next year's students as they continue to develop this site.

Konner Smith ('11) - This was a great project to end my time in high school. I have taken three classes with Mr. Eason and he is always searching for meaningful and exciting assignments. If only we could have started this one sooner, but we did what we could, and we all became Adobe Certified Associates in Dreamweaver while we worked on this.

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